Change your relationship with money, show up for financial self care, and become a powerful steward to your resources.
Are you ready to make being “bad with money” yesterday’s problem and move on to becoming a well resourced person who helps resource others?
Are you ready to drop the “I’ll deal with it later” attitude and build your financial self esteem?
Are you ready to get support in navigating and untangling your financial shadows?
Are you ready to break up with self sabotaging money habits, and integrate your money and your spirituality- without abandoning your politics or bypassing systemic realities?
If so, Money Coven IS FOR YOU!
“I’ve heard a lot about healing relationships to money but it felt out of reach or not quite in alignment. Your compassion, humor, knowledge, and honesty is everything I needed for me to address this particular work. I am so excited to dig deep, do the work, and shift what needs to be shifted."
Money can be one of the last, and scariest, steps in our healing process.
You might not have been ready to face it in the past, but you’re ready now. I can tell because you are here.
I see the work that you’ve done and congratulate you on being ready for this next step of healing and empowerment around your money!
You have arrived in divine and perfect timing. Give yourself grace and compassion. There might be a mess to clean up, there might be habits to unlearn, and there might be shame and guilt to unpack, but you made it here. You’re ready and I have created a resource to get you past your money blocks.
You’ll fit right in at Money Coven- a space filled with babes who know that financial self care is a non negotiable part of the self care we need to meet this moment and are prioritizing an experience of support, community, inspiration, and of course MAGIC.
"Jessie Susannah has literally changed my life and approach to money and my business. I love all the financial and spiritual support she has offered throughout the years which has sprouted so much unexpected personal healing. My world is better with the Money Witch in it."
A monthly membership with lots of ways to tap in live or on your own time and get the financial healing you need….
a monthly coven gathering on the new moon to set goals, vision, create, and re-attune to the energetic frequency of money magic.
a two hour body-doubling session to work on your budgeting, bookkeeping, bill paying, spreadsheets, paperwork, or any other financial tasks that can benefit from a supportive accountable community.
If you're ready to understand your financial patterns with crystal clarity and zero judgment, this is the group practice for you. We'll meet once a month to chat & practice this powerful money magic tool together. You will get a format for tracking, regular conversation to build on your practice, and time to get caught up if you’re not already.
Q&A sessions with the Money Witch
a collection of Money Witch’s online courses, e-zines, playlists, videos and worksheets to help you achieve your goals. Explore solo at your leisure, make a study buddy for accountability, or host a meetup to discuss in community.
quarterly meetup for small business owners and freelancers to catch up on bookkeeping, quarterly tax payments, and financial statements.
private community forums for discussion, celebrating wins, accountability, and resource sharing.
a monthly teaching event covering our topics of the month and improving your financial intimacy, literacy, self esteem, maturity, authority, and abundance.
resources to add coven events to your calendar, text or email reminders, money affirmation screen savers, book and resource recommendations, and plenty of other nerdy tools to make this process easeful.

“I was just reviewing some budgeting and I wanted to tell you how grateful I am for all the work that you do. I still remember things you taught me in our session and utilize them in my day to day.our conversation and the work we did completely transformed my relationship to my own finances!"
Each month will center on one of the Money Witch’s Money Magic Values: Financial Self-Esteem, Financial Intimacy, Financial Literacy, Financial Authority, Financial Maturity, and Financial Abundance.
Our events for the month will explore this value through the Money Witch Three Angles of Healing.
When we want to experience healing, approaching our blocks from multiple angles- practical, magical, and emotional- will help us move the most energy, feel visceral relief, and live into real tangible shifts. This means we’ll be addressing practical money topics such as budgeting and taxes, digging deep into the emotional terrain via financial shadow work and self awareness, and putting our magic into practice via ritual, astrology, tarot, magical allies, and altar work. You WILL experience a shift in your relationship with money!
"There have been so many wins! The most important is that I was able to come together with other babes and be in this carefully cultivated space. The journal prompts are phenomenal, the space hold is deep. But most of all: I learned that I WANT AND DESERVE ACCESS TO ACCURATE INFORMATION ABOUT MY FINANCES!"
You’re welcome to come to any and all live sessions each month, to watch recordings of them at your leisure, to take the Money Witch online courses, to utilize the study hall to get shit done, to focus on reflection and community conversation, or any level of participation that feels right for you that month.
Think of it like any other self care membership, whether that’s the gym or Netflix- it’s holding space for you to get the care you need.
"I’ve taken so many money and budgeting classes and workshops over the years and this is the first time I’ve actually been able to change my financial situation and really understand my relationship with money. I needed someone to hold my hand through this scary journey, the time to process what I was learning, and center my comfort and body in the experience. Money Witch totally delivered and it was great to explore money in community."
I’m Jessie Susannah Karnatz, aka the Money Witch, a guide through the shadowy landscape that underlies our relationship with finances. You did so much work to be ready for this journey, let me help you find your path.
I bring capitalism-critical, shame-free education to healers, hustlers, and creatives in order to catalyze change in their financial lives. I believe healing our finances will bring blessing to our lives, our lineages, and our communities. I use my intuitive abilities, my experience as a tax preparer and bookkeeper, and the collected wisdom of my financial coaching practice to help people live more peacefully with their money.
I’m also a priestess of the egregore of money, which means I facilitate a relationship between our collective consciousness of money and individual members of the collective for the purpose of healing.
"This space has meant so much to me! Changed my entire self-perception around money…Story about myself totally changed. Poof."
Live sessions will be recorded and available in the Money Coven Library.
Refunds are not given but you are free to cancel your membership at any time and not be charged any further months’ payments.
Nope, not at all. There’s something for everyone, so you can find the ways to tap in that interest you most, and experiment with others when you have the time and space. You can ease in at your own pace and find your place in the coven. ion
You are welcome to join at any time at the monthly rate of $99/mo. You will be billed the day you join and then on that same date each month moving forward.
We going to mix it up on the live calls because people are coming from all over. Some people work on the weekends, some people during the week. Some people are 9 to 5 some people are not, some have kids, some people don't. So we're just going to do a mix in an attempt to be as accessible and respectful to the variety of time needs that we all have.