Money is sexy

Having your shit together is sexy

Self love is sexy

Can you romanticize your financial self care?
You absolutely can.

(Free!) Sexy Self-Care Summer Series

June 7th - August 30th 

Picture it: The best summer of your life is here! You are taking care of yourself and reveling in community. You are hydrated, elevated, and half-naked when you wanna be. Well rested, well fed, connected to Spirit, feeling clear and abundant. 

Friday morning you check your email and there it is, your weekly Sexy Self-Care checklist. Five breezy intentions to get you set up for the week you deserve. 

You go for a walk and pass by a flower, its bloom reminding you what a unique and colorful beauty you are, reminding you to adorn yourself, reminding you to luxuriate in being seen and appreciated, reminding you to flirt with passersby. 

The sun starts to beat down, reminding you how good your skin can feel, reminding you to get your body in a body of water soon, reminding you to eat a popsicle. 

You get a cute text and, remembering all your good self-care, reply in just the way that will keep you smiling and centered. 

You are doing your Sexy Self-Care for the Summer and you have your shit together. It only gets hotter from here. 

Sexy Self Care Checklists

Weekly to-dos for your hottest self to have your sexiest most resourced Summer ever, delivered straight to your inbox every Friday. Let these breezy intentions serve as a reminder that you deserve the best of care. TGIF!

Virtual Slumber Parties

A monthly gathering on the last Friday of the Summer months complete with guest stars, playlists, and cocktail and mocktail recipes for each theme. 

Whether you’re cozy at home, out at a friend’s, or jet setting this Summer, you can join from all over the world!

Spend your Summer with the Money Witch